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Hiiii!! Thank you for stopping by!! As you know, we burlesquers work hard and spend a lot of money to stay on top of our game. If you are so inclined to send me a little thank you in the form of moola, below are a few different ways I'll be able to recieve your gift!
Love, Peace & Sparkles,
RedBone ;)



Photography by: Gold Frame Photography

Photography by: Le Mew Photography

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RedBone - JiJI Photography
RedBone - JiJI Photography
RedBone - JiJI Photography
RedBone - JiJI Photography

Photography by:  Ji Ji Lee Photography

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Photography by:  Dennis Driscoll

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RedBone - Dallas Pin Up - Shoshana Portnoy6
RedBone - Dallas Pin Up - Shoshana Portnoy1
RedBone - Dallas Pin Up - Shoshana Portnoy2
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RedBone - Dallas Pin Up - Shoshana Portnoy10
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